Opinion Research
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Learn More About Opinion Research
New and Traditional Research Methods for Deeper Insights

Understand what your audience thinks, feels, and believes, with innovative, accurate, and trusted survey research from Echelon Insights. Our team works quickly to get you the answers you need to make the right decisions, with research conducted in any mode and among hard to reach audiences.

Focus Groups & Qualitative Research
Understand the why — not just the what — of public opinion. Focus groups and in-depth conversations with your target audience get to the bottom of why people feel like they do — on any topic — giving you the clarity and confidence you need to make the next move.

Elite Audience Research
We have extensive experience conducting high-level in-depth interviews with influencers, including Members of Congress, state legislative leaders, high-level government affairs professionals, and major school district superintendents. Our approach protects respondent confidentiality, thus ensuring their cooperation, while giving the inside insights you need to navigate policy challenges and shape strategy.
Verified Voter Omnibus
Echelon’s Verified Voter Omnibus is the first online survey product of its kind matched to the national voter file so you can know with confidence what the real electorate thinks about your issue, cause, or brand. Each month, we interview a representative sample of 1,000 registered voters matched to voter files to answer the make-or-break questions driving successful business and policy outcomes. Find out more here.
Test Engineer Your Message

Optimized Messaging
Test your message in any format — text, video, visuals — with moment-by-moment, word-by-word ratings from hundreds of respondents, broken out by all target groups and demographics. Optimized Messaging is the scale and scientific certainty of survey data with the texture and detail of a focus group.

Advanced Regression Analysis
Any firm can give you toplines and crosstabs. But they don’t always tell you the underlying drivers of opinion. Our approach to survey analysis goes deeper, blending traditional techniques with advanced statistical analysis to understand which messages drive shifts in public perception and which groups are most persuadable.

Messaging Experiments
Knowing that your audience likes an ad or agrees with a message doesn’t always predict whether they’ll purchase, vote, or share. Our messaging experiments aim to answer one question: Does it change long-term attitudes and behaviors? From surveys to field experiments, our test-and-learn approach can be tailored to any research design.
Accurate Data Backed by Powerful Analytics

Survey the Right Audience
Our national voter file and proprietary microtargeting models help us deliver more accurate results, with survey samples balanced along every relevant dimension of political and consumer engagement, not just basic demographics. Learn more about how we get it right.

Policy Models
Go beyond traditional surveys to model support for your issue in every county, Congressional, or legislative district. Using large sample sizes and statistical techniques like Multiple Regression with Poststratification, we’ll map survey responses to any question down to the most granular political geographies, helping you persuade the elected officials who matter.