
Your Questions Answered by Real Voters

Get reliable answers to specific research questions. Track brand reputation and public perception. Partner with the most innovative analytical polling team in the business to unlock deep insights and understand the drivers of public opinion.

Echelon’s Verified Voter Omnibus is the first online survey product of its kind matched to the national voter file so you can know with confidence what the real electorate thinks about your issue, cause, or brand. Each month, we interview a representative sample of 1,000 registered voters matched to voter files to answer the make-or-break questions driving successful business and policy outcomes.

Unique Features

Message & Media Testing

Innovative online methodology with message & media testing capabilities

2024 Political Insights

In addition to data on your questions, get up-to-date data on the 2024 political landscape, backed by accurate likely voter models.

Deep Demographic Insights

Data modeled against hundreds of Census & other variables for deeper demographic insight and then cross-referenced with political attitudes, media habits, and demographics

Who Can Use It?

Advocacy Coalitions

Find the best message and track campaign success


Track brand perception over time and measure political risk

Trade Associations

Deliver industry-wide insight to members

Political Organizations

Receive the best intelligence on the national landscape

What's Included
  • Questionnaire Design and Assistance
  • Survey Fieldwork
  • Toplines and Crosstabs
  • Political Banners Included
  • Exclusive 2024 Data & Analysis
  • Add-ons such as custom decks available

Findings from the Verified Voter Omnibus have received coverage in the likes of

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