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The Old Approach: Focus Groups
Sure — we can “test” messages with 400 people over the phone. That’s not the same as measuring the impact of a specific TV ad or creative execution.
And we show people an ad in a focus group of 8 to 10 people and ask what they liked and didn’t like. But what people say they like won’t predict what they’ll actually do.
Digital platforms will conduct “lift studies” — if you run more than $100,000 of media on a test. Great for big brand advertisers — bad for campaigns.
There has to be a better way to test the effectiveness of media.
The New Approach: Creative Optimizer
Meet Creative Optimizer, our new self-serve platform that lets you test any video or visual media and get the data you need quickly. For half the cost of a traditional focus group, pick your target audience, upload your creative, ask the questions that will define whether your ad worked — and go.
Why is Creative Optimizer better than other ways to test? It uses randomized control trials, testing your ad creatives against unrelated control creative to measure the impact on key bottom line measures — intent to vote for a candidate, views of an issue, preference for your product against competitors.
Self-Serve, Low Cost
Choose your sample size. Pick your target demographics. Upload your creatives. Input your own questions. That's it. In less than 72 hours, you'll be able to see exactly what people think about your creative piece - and more importantly, why they think it. Starting at $5 a respondent, you can get the results you need for an affordable cost.