February Verified Voter Omnibus – Primary Electability Conjoint Analysis

Echelon Insights tested a range of candidate attributes to see how things like candidate age, polling performance, and having a track record of making controversial comments influence a hypothetical candidate’s chances of success in a primary election.

  • Republicans and Democrats both prefer younger candidates, but Democrats in particular prefer a candidate in their 40s or 50s over someone in their 70s or 80s. Republicans prefer a candidate based on past electoral performance.
  • Republican Women are more focused on a candidate’s age, while men are more focused on a candidate’s electability and experience.
  • White, college-educated Democrats are more focused on a candidate’s age, performance in the polls, and establishment support. Non-white Democrats also view age and establishment support as important, but they also prefer a candidate that plays to swing voters.
February Verified Voter Omnibus Conjoint Analysis

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